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Asthma Management: Tips for Better Days at Home

Asthma Management: Tips for Better Days at Home

As a healthcare Clinic in Texas, we know how asthma can be disturbing to the patient and their families. We also know that better management can help improve your conditions at home.

Here are some management tips that we hope you find helpful:

  • Take Prescribed Medications

    When you visit our healthcare clinic in Texas, the nurse practitioner may prescribe you with medications. Take these in the correct manner. They know how these meds can improve your condition. You can trustPMHNP/BC that taking them can help you feel better.

  • Stay Away from Triggers

    There are many things that can trigger asthma. It is important that you and your loved ones know what these are. By doing so, you can avoid these and prevent having an asthma attack.

  • Prepare Inhalers Always

    As a healthcare clinic, we also uphold safe and high-quality care. For this reason, we encourage you to always be ready with your inhaler. Along with that, ensure that your family members know how to operate this.

  • Exercise Every Day

    Engaging in an active lifestyle is also helpful for patients with respiratory problems. Regular exercises can strengthen the lungs. If your lungs are strong enough, you will have more strength to cope with an asthma attack.

  • Stay Away from Smoke

    Practically, people with asthma should not smoke. In the same manner, they should also stay away from people who are smoking. If these situations are inevitable, learn how to advise smokers in a respectful manner.

  • Visit Your Healthcare Provider Regularly

    Asthma patients can also manage their condition through regular visits with their healthcare provider. They can provide them with Primary Care in Euless, Texas. In addition, they will have monitoring of their medications. This way, they can better take care of their health.

When it comes to receiving Care with compassion, we are here for you at Maya Health Care & Behavioral Health Clinic . Visit us for your regular checkups. Don’t forget to share!







Vishnu Maya Upadhyay

Maya Health Care & Behavioral Health Clinic
6330 Broadway Blvd., Ste. C
Euless, TX 75043

Phone 972-544-0400
Fax 972-544-0401

[email protected]

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